EDGE Programs

EDGE offers tailored programs designed to develop the skills, networks and expertise you need to launch a new venture and help it grow. Our programs are curated for our community members.

Learn more about each of our programs below.

illustration of a crane

Social Impact Catalyst

You’re an aspiring youth impact entrepreneur looking to learn alongside a group of other inspiring changemakers. You want to learn more about social impact, entrepreneurship and how to lead a social venture. You have a promising idea or a new venture that aims to create change aligned with this year’s theme: climate change and environmental sustainability.

This program has been made possible with the generous support ofRBC Future Launch, a proud partner of Sheridan and EDGE.

Check out Social Impact Catalyst if:


$2,000 Honorarium per venture

虚拟社区和networking opportunities

Group and one-on-one mentoring

Support to promote your venture

And more!


Your social venture is in motion: your product or service is outlined, your impact is clear, you understand your customers’ challenges at a deep level and your sights are set on revenue. It’s time to Rise! This 12-month program focuses on high-value, high-intensity support for social venture founders, customized to your venture’s stage of growth. We’ll help you focus so you can create an impactful, profitable and sustainable venture. You’ll have the chance to learn in small groups of diverse and like-minded founders while growing your impact and advancing your ambitious goals.   

Check out Rise if:


Individualized coaching focused on people, planet and profit valued at $6,000

Support from seasoned mentors who collaborate to ensure your venture’s success.

Practical problem-solving support and introductions to key networks

Help to drive customer leads for your venture using proven digital marketing strategies

Access to a dynamic cohort of fellow impact entrepreneurs at similar stages of growth 

And more!